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The number of divorces is on the rise in the country resulting in a huge number of broken families in Bangladesh which is a matter of concern. In recent, a daily newspaper reported ‘a divorce is registered every 40 minutes in Dhaka’. Furthermore, it is a matter of concern for society while a huge number of married people are approaching divorce. The husband and wife need an expert divorce lawyer to solve the legal complexities in case of their divorce. The law firm ‘Legal Expert’ is here to identify your legal issues and give proper solutions.
Today, divorce is a curse for modern society, it breaks down our family bonding and tranquility. The children are the main sufferers of a divorce because the husband and wife can get a life partner after the divorce but the children lose their father or mother which is really tragic. In Bangladesh, women are applying more for divorce which is near about 70 percent and the number is rising in Dhaka than in other cities of the country—the settlement rate of divorce is less than 5 percent after issuing a divorce notice to the concerned authority.
There are several causes behind the high rate of divorce in Bangladesh. We are here to discuss the main causes of divorce and the role of an expert divorce lawyer to minimize the rate of divorce. The steps of an expert lawyer and the pre-caution of the parties are the main elements that can save the husband and wife from divorce. So, let’s go through the details.
Lack of mutual understanding is a major factor behind the huge number of divorces in Bangladesh. Most husbands and wives suffer from misunderstanding, they don’t try to understand each other even in a silly matter. Today, they don’t try to sacrifice for each other and there is a lack of forgiveness mind among them. They try to hold their ego and eventually come to a separation from their conjugal life. Here our expert lawyer can help the husband and wife to develop mutual understanding among them.
Definitely, dowry is a curse in our modern life but it is a common fact in our country. There are a huge number of husbands in Bangladesh who demand money from the wife’s family during marriage and demand money from the wife or wife’s family after marriage. In Bangladesh, most families have no financial compatibility to pay dowry money so wives are forced to get divorced. Here, an expert lawyer helps the husband and wife extensively to save them from getting a divorce.
Physical assaults are another cause of a huge number of divorces in Bangladesh. It is largely seen in the middle-income and lower-income families. There are a huge number of husband in Bangladesh who physically assault their wives for different causes. In Bangladesh, it is tough to find a wife who hasn’t been beaten once by her husband in marriage life.
Nowadays, it is another big problem in our society. There are a huge number of people drug addicted and who break down the family tranquility. In fact, drug-addicted husbands or wives frequently quarrel with each other over silly issues which conveys a divorce among them. So, you can get a consultancy from our expert divorce lawyer to solve the problem.
Today, extramarital affairs have become a common matter in our modern life. Every husband or wife is engaging in extramarital affairs if she or he gets a little chance. This extramarital affair of husband or wife breaks down thousands of married lives in Bangladesh every year. The advice of an expert divorce lawyer can save you from engaging in extramarital affairs.
The family dispute is increasing day by day in our society. Most of the families are facing family disputes with big or small issues. Today it is seen more among the husband and wife which even conveys divorce. You should need an expert divorce lawyer’s advice to minimize your family disputes and be safe from breaking your happy married life.
There are a huge number of people in Bangladesh who are suffering from sexual dysfunction. It is also a reason behind taking the decision of divorce. It is a cruel truth, there is no reason to continue a conjugal life if the partner is physically unfit. However, we don’t promote divorce by any means, in the case of sexual dysfunction, they should get proper medical treatment to come back to normal life.
A huge number of Bangladeshi people are working abroad and they stay in abroad for a long time. Most of the expatriate workers remain detached from their wives during the period of working abroad. For this reason, wives living in Bangladesh without a husband for a short or long time are engaging in extramarital affairs and deciding to build a new family life with their boyfriend in most cases. So, it is a big reason behind the huge number of divorces in Bangladesh.
In our country, wives are mentally abused extensively by their husbands or husband’s family members. Even they are suffering from the inferiority complex in the husband’s family. So, the wife prefers a divorce to be free from such kinds of mental abuse.
It is seen extensively that lack of belief between the husband and wife. They doubt each other even for any reason. The doubt increases the conflict between the husband and wife and it exaggerates them to decide on divorce.
Divorce is executed in Bangladesh following the laws of The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance of 1961, The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act of 1939, and The Muslim Marriages and Divorces (Registration) Act of 1974. There are different rules and regulations for the divorce of Christian and Hindu people. Hindu divorce is governed by the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 and The Hindu Married Women’s Right to Separate Residence and Maintenance Act of 1946, and Christian divorce is initiated by The Divorce Act of 1869 in Bangladesh. Here we will mainly discuss Muslim divorce and the role of a lawyer.
In Bangladesh, the Muslim husband and wife are following the same procedure to execute the divorce. But it is only needed to ensure that the wife has been delegated the power to give divorce by the husband during the time of marriage. In addition, the Muslim wife could get a decree of dissolution of marriage due to 9 causes according to section 2 of The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939. An expert lawyer can help you to get a divorce properly avoiding legal complexities. Three steps should be followed to initiate divorce in Bangladesh. These are given below.
At first, the husband or wife has to serve notice of divorce execution to the Chairman of Union Parishad, the Mayor or Chairman of Paurashava, and the Mayor or Administrator of the City Corporation with the help of a divorce lawyer. And the husband or wife needs to give notice to the other party. Here, the receiver’s consent is not mandatory and the divorce by notice is also known as one-sided divorce.
Both parties have to wait for 90 days for the execution of the divorce. The chairman will form an arbitration council in order to reconcile between the parties within thirty days from the date of receiving the notice. And the arbitration council shall take all kinds of necessary steps to reconcile. If the wife is pregnant, the divorce will not be effective until the end of the pregnancy period or ninety days whichever is later.
After the effective of the divorce, at the end of the ninety days from the date of serving notice, the husband or wife shall collect the registered divorce certificate with the help of a divorce lawyer from the concerned government office.
During the divorce, the husband should pay the wife unpaid Dower Money (Mohrana) and money to maintain the Iddat period. The lawyer must ensure that the wife has got the Dower Money (Mohrana) from the husband.
Most of the family matter cases arise due to unpaid Dower Money (Mohrana), physical assault, and demanding dower. A divorce-related matter can turn into cases under the Dowry Prohibition Act, 2018, and Nari-O- Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain, 2000. In nearly 90 percent of cases, the wife frames a criminal suit against her husband after receiving a divorce notice from the husband without admitting notice that was sent by the husband, showing the occurrence date before the date of serving the divorce notice.
So, the lawyer shall ensure that the wife gets her Dower Money (Mohrana) which was unpaid from the marriage and maintenance of the wife for the first three months from the date of serving the divorce notice and maintenance of children if any. Our expert divorce lawyer keeps his eyes on other related issues to save our clients from any divorce-related case.
If you think the divorce is the only available way to resolve your family-related complexities then contact our expert divorce lawyer. They will solve your problem avoiding legal and procedural complexities.
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